Wednesday, June 4, 2014

scars and stitches

so here are some progression pictures of my ears, and the stitches. you can see stitches along my ear, and down on my neck, from the clamps.
the first picture is with the drains, and with all the stitches, including the ones on my neck, covered. the next one was right after the drains came out and the bandages came off.

 made this one X-Large so you could get a better view. this is 6 days post-op.
                       stitches are healing well. they are dissolvable, so i expect them to be dissolving
                       soon. you can't see the ones on my neck very well, but they're still there. everything
                       is healing nicely though.

i will say, and excuse my language, but the stitches on my ears itch like HELL. its really hard not scratching them, but obviously, do-able. i keep them clean with a cotton swab and some peroxide.

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