Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Last Drink

i am drinking my last juice/smoothie/icee of the cleanse as i blog! I am definitely not a big fan of the last drink, but ITS THE LAST ONE!!! Okay, so i didn't take many pictures because i was tired and grumpy for the first two days. But TODAY I felt like skydiving, or bungee jumping, or climbing Mt. Everest idk SOMETHING HUGE! Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and be straight up with you guys. It's not very fun at all. You start craving things like white bread and BBQ chips two smoothies in. I was completely exhausted day one and two. But like i said before, today i feel like the King Queen of the World! Here's the three pictures i DID end up taking throughout the cleanse.

This is part of the H2O detox. One of my least favorites because the sparkling water upsets my stomach a little bit. How pretty, though! :)

This is the H2O detox after instructions tell you to add the mineral water and juice in a large bottle, shake, and enjoy. Well groggy minded me was CERTAIN that the instructions said bowl. Guess i was wrong. (how embarrassing) Didn't take long before i realized my mistake and switched to a bottle. 

This (FINALLY) is my last smoothie, and the reason i added ICEE to the list above. its a very small portion of juice, and you just have to blend it with ice, so i added extra ice and made an ICEE. I am so glad to be on my last detox drink though. tomorrow i will be eating gluten free rice toast, rice, eggs, and veggies, and going out to eat somewhere for dinner because its my moms birthday! YAY! 

Going into surgery preparation mode pretty soon. GETTING A LITTLE NERVOUS! Ahhh!

Before i go, some Detoxing tips:
  • Prepare yourself, mentally, and physically. Make sure you're not detoxing over something important, like big exams, or birthdays, or things like that. And before you start, make sure you have the appropriate materials. 
  • GET LOTS OF REST!!! I wish i would've followed this advice for myself. I ended up babysitting, and studying for an exam, and watching movies instead of sleeping. that definitely kicked me in the butt. 
  • If you're leaving in the morning, and will be out past lunch, cut the fruits/veggies for your morning/lunch drinks, and juice them in the morning. Preparing the fruits/veggies ahead of time saved me lots of stress!
  • Enjoy it. Try and keep your mind off of the "better things" on the food pyramid. you're doing good things for your body. 

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