Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's Cleansing Time

So, as you know i am having my TMJ surgery on May 29th. Among the several people i have talked to about the surgery, almost all of them have complained about the weight they lost in the first week-or-so.   I tend to eat what i want and not give a heap because my metabolism takes care of it all for me. But to cut my food supply cold-turkey would be a death sentence for the fat i do have lounging around in my body. I do not have a pound to spare. So because i am 5'3 and 105 pounds, i am going to start introducing my body to all of the healthy fats that the world has to offer! So, here is my plan:

I am going to start a 3 day detox tomorrow; Monday, April 28th 2014. It is a Jason Vale detox program, which i will add the link for below. After my detox i will eat healthy fats. Avocado, coconut oil (and other healthy oils), nuts, fish, etc. Because i am still in school, i am spending my night cutting up the fruits and veggies for tomorrows smoothies, and preparing myself for the days to come.

I am cleansing now for this reason mostly: If i continue my diet until the surgery, and then go on the liquid diet necessary for recovery, my body will go into cleanse mode, and that is far too much to put on your body when you're going through such a crucial time of healing.

I am super excited for this cleanse. Not only as preparation for surgery, but also to start eating better in general. It is something I always tell myself I'm going to do, but i never get around to it. What better of an excuse than surgery!

Here is the link to the specific 3-day cleanse i will be doing.

I'll post pictures of my juices as i go :)

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