Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Last Drink

i am drinking my last juice/smoothie/icee of the cleanse as i blog! I am definitely not a big fan of the last drink, but ITS THE LAST ONE!!! Okay, so i didn't take many pictures because i was tired and grumpy for the first two days. But TODAY I felt like skydiving, or bungee jumping, or climbing Mt. Everest idk SOMETHING HUGE! Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and be straight up with you guys. It's not very fun at all. You start craving things like white bread and BBQ chips two smoothies in. I was completely exhausted day one and two. But like i said before, today i feel like the King Queen of the World! Here's the three pictures i DID end up taking throughout the cleanse.

This is part of the H2O detox. One of my least favorites because the sparkling water upsets my stomach a little bit. How pretty, though! :)

This is the H2O detox after instructions tell you to add the mineral water and juice in a large bottle, shake, and enjoy. Well groggy minded me was CERTAIN that the instructions said bowl. Guess i was wrong. (how embarrassing) Didn't take long before i realized my mistake and switched to a bottle. 

This (FINALLY) is my last smoothie, and the reason i added ICEE to the list above. its a very small portion of juice, and you just have to blend it with ice, so i added extra ice and made an ICEE. I am so glad to be on my last detox drink though. tomorrow i will be eating gluten free rice toast, rice, eggs, and veggies, and going out to eat somewhere for dinner because its my moms birthday! YAY! 

Going into surgery preparation mode pretty soon. GETTING A LITTLE NERVOUS! Ahhh!

Before i go, some Detoxing tips:
  • Prepare yourself, mentally, and physically. Make sure you're not detoxing over something important, like big exams, or birthdays, or things like that. And before you start, make sure you have the appropriate materials. 
  • GET LOTS OF REST!!! I wish i would've followed this advice for myself. I ended up babysitting, and studying for an exam, and watching movies instead of sleeping. that definitely kicked me in the butt. 
  • If you're leaving in the morning, and will be out past lunch, cut the fruits/veggies for your morning/lunch drinks, and juice them in the morning. Preparing the fruits/veggies ahead of time saved me lots of stress!
  • Enjoy it. Try and keep your mind off of the "better things" on the food pyramid. you're doing good things for your body. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's Cleansing Time

So, as you know i am having my TMJ surgery on May 29th. Among the several people i have talked to about the surgery, almost all of them have complained about the weight they lost in the first week-or-so.   I tend to eat what i want and not give a heap because my metabolism takes care of it all for me. But to cut my food supply cold-turkey would be a death sentence for the fat i do have lounging around in my body. I do not have a pound to spare. So because i am 5'3 and 105 pounds, i am going to start introducing my body to all of the healthy fats that the world has to offer! So, here is my plan:

I am going to start a 3 day detox tomorrow; Monday, April 28th 2014. It is a Jason Vale detox program, which i will add the link for below. After my detox i will eat healthy fats. Avocado, coconut oil (and other healthy oils), nuts, fish, etc. Because i am still in school, i am spending my night cutting up the fruits and veggies for tomorrows smoothies, and preparing myself for the days to come.

I am cleansing now for this reason mostly: If i continue my diet until the surgery, and then go on the liquid diet necessary for recovery, my body will go into cleanse mode, and that is far too much to put on your body when you're going through such a crucial time of healing.

I am super excited for this cleanse. Not only as preparation for surgery, but also to start eating better in general. It is something I always tell myself I'm going to do, but i never get around to it. What better of an excuse than surgery!

Here is the link to the specific 3-day cleanse i will be doing.

I'll post pictures of my juices as i go :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Here's a little timeline of me. 
This is me, pre-braces, holding a picture of VERY little me, before i had this surgery called "otoplasty", which is getting my ears pinned back. I was a little monkey! I am also wearing a cast in the picture. That's because just a few weeks before this, i flipped a four wheeler! It landed (i assume) on my ankle. I tore every ligament in my foot, and had a clean break through my tibia. I was on crutches FOREVER! Anyways, This picture was probably taken around the time that my TMJ symptoms started. I woke up one morning and my jaw was locked up to a certain point. I was FREAKED out! I ended up pushing my jaw sideways with my hand, and putting it back into place. This started happening every morning, and eventually i discovered that i could just open my mouth as wide as i could, and then POP it open the rest of the way. painful at first, but i got used to it. 
Here is me, probably over halfway through my time with braces. The popping still remained. It wasn't getting any worse at this point, but it wasn't getting any better. Finally, when i was getting my braces off, i had to get "finishing bands". That basically means you have a rubber band on every tooth holding your mouth shut to finish up your braces. Halfway through bands i had the WORST Migraine. DURING EXAM WEEK TOO! We talked to my orthodontist about the headaches and my TMJ, and he said he would order me a "bite reprogrammer". (or something like that). It did nothing at all.
Here is me, about a year after i got my braces off. This is also after i got rear ended by a woman going 50 MPH while i was at a stop light. I told my mom "I'm fine! I'm fine!" that night i realized i was not fine. I had whiplash! I went to see a chiropractor the next day, who showed my how bad my whiplash was. He was practically a miracle worker, and fixed up my back and neck in a matter of a few months! but about a month after the car accident, my jaw locked. It was extremely painful and hard to deal with at the time. It has now become one of those thing i just live with. It is very painful, and limits what i can eat, and is VERY painful when i yawn or sing. Well i was just about done being in pain. We had heard the name "Dr. Piper" here and there, so we decided to give him a call. Well i just had my appointment with him to find out that i will be going through a disc repair surgery on May 29th. If my disc is irreparable, he will do a fat graft. (he takes a little ball of fat from your tummy and replaces your disc with it!) so until then i will be preparing my self mentally, and physically for the surgery, and most of all, the recovery.

So thats my story up until now. From here on out, I will be blogging about my dietary choices, and my preparation for surgery. After surgery it will be all about post surgery survival (and more nutritional posts). I'll keep you updated on anything and everything. Thanks for listening! :)



Hello, My name is Emily. I am 16 years old. I have had TMJ since i was 12. I will be blogging about my journey through all the problems, solutions, and every little thing in between. This is not only for my documentation and pleasure, but for your knowledge, enjoyment, and comfort. I hope you find my blog to be a place where you truly understand that you are not alone. I can't wait to bring you along with me as i FINALLY bite back!