Hello pretty people :)
I realized yesterday that I don't update my blog anymore, for the reasoning that my TMJ issues just aren't that significant to me anymore, so why would I update you guys on nothing!
But, then I realized that the nothingness is probably something that some of you need to hear.
It's been just over 2 years since I had my surgery, and here is where I'm at:
I got my braces off in April, and rather than a retainer, or my good ole' buddy splint, I was given a bite corrector to finish moving my teeth into the perfect place, and the get my open bite under control once and for all.
I have some soreness in my jaw still, both sides, but It gets better with chiropractic work, the right supplements, and stretching.
I click a little on my left side when I open, but with no pain. It doesn't worry Doctor Piper much, so it doesn't worry me.
I am eating just about anything I want, with caution. I'll chew gum for like 5 minutes at a time, tops. Ill eat harder meats if I chew lightly. And as far as the crunch factor goes, I just don't bite all the way down with as much force as I usually would before surgery.
I am living everyday with a bigger, happier, and less painful smile now that I'm in such a solid place in my recovery. I could not be more pleased with where I'm at with my TMJ today.
Just remember, when you feel like you're drowning in an ocean of pain and limitations and frustration, and you think you're never going to surface again, the land is RIGHT there. Just ride the waves and know that you are SO close to such a life-changing recovery.
I wish you all the Best of luck with your journey, whether you've just begun, are almost done like me, or are right in the middle of it all... YOU GOT THIS !:)